Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

100 Rooms Walkthrough Level 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


pick coin beside safe deposit box, pick spray bottle at the trash can, zoom in the cake pick a knife and spoon beside the cake. zoom spoon in your inventory put a coin on it then use the spoon with a coin on candle, use spray bottle to the candle it will show a number 451279 use this code to open safe deposit box. pick a key mold back to cake use knife to pick another key mold, then combine it with first key mold, use the spoon combine with key mold you will get a key use it to open doors.


Tap the hole pick a rubber, underneath sink pick wood stick, right the sink there’s cabinet pick bluebook see the clue how to use hammer, pick a hammer beside safe deposit box. combine rubber with wood stick you got a plunger, use it at sink you’ll found a first key go to bathtub zoom in, use hammer to hit ceramics beside bathtub see picture 7. hit blue three times, green 2 times, red four times  in here you will get the second key use it to open safe deposit box, you’ll get key inside deposit box use it to open door.


tap start from paint with number 1 to 12


Y = 9 (count the cup) | x = 100 (formulation 25 banana * 4 apple = X) so to complete the result X must be 100 => tap 9, tap blank square, tap 9,  tap +, tap 9, tap /, tap 9


count the white item and black item. white item = 22 and black item 16 sum = 38 ( grey the door ) the code is black grey white : 22 38 16.


as you can see there is 4 clue to solve level 16 the first is paper show number 50, stop watch point at 40, ruler show red number 60, and clock direction. so to solve this level is simple, tap left to 50, tap right to 40, tap left to 60, tap right to 40. done the door open.


imagine the painting position change according to the arrow and the result will be related with button. tap ball, bone, stone, sun, leaf, snow symbol.


you got a paper with a zodiac symbol to know the number you can check it at the clock sagitarius:1 taurus:8 aquarius:11 pisces:10 cancer:6 = 1811101 key to open safety box. you got another paper code to unlock the door  see the picture above the code is :0, 5, blank right, 12, 2, blank left.


the clue is ( East down, South, West, North up) your job choose animal on that location, see maps. so the right answer for level 19 is: Bison, Rhino, Kangaroo, Panda, Penguin, Snake.


pick the puzzle images start from a to p then put the puzzle image follow the alphabet. the doors will open and you can go to next level 21.

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